Saturday, October 19, 2013

Risk Option

It can be put this way. The door to a harmonious marriage has a lock on it. For that door to be opened the lock and its key must be compatible. Two locks will not open the door, just as two keys will also fail. The lock and the key are completely different however when they come together the door to a harmonious marriage is open.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Her hands itched to move
Her eyes begged for release
Her feet tingled to kick
Her throat burned from screams
Her thighs glistened with wetness
Her globes purple with fire
Her nipples cried for freedom
Her anus burned with fullness
Her cunt  twitched with need
Her voice begged for more.


Woman, has openly disobeyed the Man's superior orders. What do you do now that she, through not obeying, has caused you to "lose face"? You, as a male, have a duty to reclaim your manhood status and assert the superiority of your gender through the best method possible..